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Mar 16, 2022

How LF Energy’s Strategic Members RTE and Alliander Embraced Open Source to Speed Modernization of the Grid

Arresting climate change is no longer an option but a must to save the planet for future generations. The key to doing so is to transition off fossil fuels to renewable energy sources and to do so without tanking economies and our very way of life.  Read more.
LF Energy Carbon Data Specification Consortium

Mar 15, 2022

Making Carbon Accounting Count

LF Energy, the open source foundation focused on the power systems sector, today welcomes the Carbon Data Specification Consortium (CDS) project, a standard specification that will help to define the raw data to track the carbon intensity of consumed energy and the carbon emissions associated with power systems, to guide… Read more.
Hit Net Zero

Mar 14, 2022

Enabling Companies to Hit Net Zero

Many companies have goals to get to net zero emissions, but they’re flying blind because they cannot connect their real-time energy consumption with the availability of renewables. Read more.

Mar 2, 2022

Linking Carbon Counting to Renewable Electricity Purchases

More consumers and corporations want to know the carbon footprint of the companies they do business with, and businesses are buying more renewable energy in response. But it’s no longer enough just to buy and use renewables. The pressure is on companies to also understand the carbon impact of those purchases.… Read more.

Jan 24, 2022

LF Energy Provides a Digitalisation of Energy Action Plan: Linux Foundation Energy Response to European Commission Public Consultation

In December 2021 and January of 2022, LF Energy members along with OpenForum Europe convened a group of stakeholders to respond formally to a request for public consultation by the European Commission. Read more.