The OpenLEADR project maintains friendly and compliant implementations of OpenADR 2.0b and OpenADR 3.0.
OpenADR 3.0
The OpenLEADR community maintains a fully compliant OpenADR 3.0 implementation written in Rust. For current status and documentation, please refer to the openleadr-rs repository on Github.
OpenADR 2.0b
A friendly and compliant OpenADR implementation for Python 3.
“Source code for an OpenADR VTN and VEN in python”. Open Automated Demand Response (OpenADR) is an open and interoperable information exchange model and emerging Smart Grid standard. OpenADR standardizes the message format used for Auto-DR so that dynamic price and reliability signals can be delivered in a uniform and interoperable fashion among utilities, ISOs, and energy management and control systems. While previously deployed Auto-DR systems are automated, they are not standardized or interoperable.

- Fully compliant OpenADR 2.0b implementation for both servers (Virtual Top Node) and clients (Virtual End Node)
- Fully asyncio: you set up the coroutines that can handle certain events, and they get called when needed.
- Fully pythonic: all messages are represented as simple Python dictionaries. All XML parsing and generation is done for you.
Features Tour
Automatic registration
Registering your VEN to a VTN is a process that requires some service discovery, exchange of reporting capabilities, assignment of a VEN_ID, et cetera. You don’t have to see any of this in your own code. Just create a new OpenADRClient instance, provide a VTN URL, a VEN name, optionally provide signing certificates, and a verification fingerprint, and registration happens automatically.
Automatic reporting
If you’re implementing a VEN (client), you configure which types of reports you can offer, you provide handlers that retrieve the measurements, and OpenLEADR will take care of the rest. It will offer the reports to the VTN, allow the VTN to pick the reports it requires, and it will call your data collection handlers at a set interval, and pack up the values into the reports.
If you’re implementing a VTN (server), you configure which types of reports you wish to receive, and it will automatically request these reports from the VEN. Whenever new data arrives, it will call one of your handlers so you can hand the data off to your own systems for processing and archiving.
Once you have configured your client or server, all routine interactions happen automatically: polling for new Events, requesting reports, et cetera. Whenever OpenLEADR needs some information or data that it does not have, it will call your handlers in order to get it. Your handlers only have to deal with a very specific set of cases and they can usually be quite simple.
Dict-style representations
Although OpenADR is an XML-based protocol that is either transported over HTTP or XMPP, you don’t need to see any XML or custom object types at all. You use native Python dicts (and native Python types like datetime.datetime and datetime.timedelta) in your handlers.
Message Signing for secure communications
If you provide a PEM-formatted certificate and key, all outgoing messages will be cryptographically signed. If you also provide a fingerprint for the other side’s certificate, incoming messages can be securely authenticated and verified.