Video: Technical Introduction to EVerest: Open Source Firmware for EV Charging Stations – Kai-Uwe Hermann & Piet Gömpel, PIONIX GmbH
This presentation introduces EVerest, an open source software stack for electric vehicle charging infrastructure, with specific examples of usage and integration into large-scale solutions. EVerest was designed with modularity and customizability in mind. It consists of a framework for configuring multiple interchangeable modules that are coupled via MQTT. By abstracting standards and use cases, EVerest runs on any Linux device without major customization efforts, from AC home chargers to DC public charging stations. In addition to communicating with vehicles using ISO15118 and EN61851, EVerest plans to integrate further communication such as ChaDeMo as well as supporting cloud-based management solutions, energy management including openADR and USEF, PV integration, and grid friendliness. A feature-complete OCPP cloud connectivity stack is already included. EVerest is an Apache2.0 licensed project within LF Energy. It was initiated by PIONIX GmbH to support the electrification of the mobility sector.