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Aug 22, 2023

LF Energy Summit 2023 Recap: Open Source Tools Paving the Path to Decarbonization

LF Energy Summit 2023 brought together industry experts and innovators to discuss the pivotal role of open source tools in driving the journey towards decarbonization in the energy sector. One of the sessions, titled "Open Source Tools for Revealing the Way Towards Decarbonization," featured a presentation by Davis Montenegro from… Read more.

Aug 21, 2023

LF Energy Summit 2023 Recap: Revolutionizing EV Charging with EVerest: A Breakthrough Operating System

In the ever-evolving landscape of electric vehicle (EV) technology, one critical challenge has stood out: the complexity of EV charging infrastructure. But fear not, because at LF Energy Summit 2023, Piet Gömpel from Pionix presented a solution (video follows below) that could reshape the way we approach EV charging. Enter… Read more.

Aug 18, 2023

LF Energy Summit 2023 Recap: Enhancing Energy Systems through Software

LF Energy Summit 2023 featured a presentation titled "Ensuring Requirements on the SEAPATH Project: Testing Process and Continuous Integration," delivered by Erwann Roussy of Savoir-faire Linux (video follows below). In this session, Roussy shed light on the SEAPATH project and its approach to guaranteeing project requirements through a meticulous testing… Read more.

Aug 17, 2023

LF Energy Embedded Summit Recap: Implementing and Validating Linux Cyber Security Requirements: SEAPATH Case Study

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, ensuring robust cyber security measures for Linux systems has become paramount, especially in critical infrastructure. At LF Energy Embedded Summit, Enguerrand de Ribaucourt and Mathieu Dupré of Savoir-faire Linux presented a case study on the SEAPATH project, which focuses on effectively implementing and validating… Read more.

Aug 16, 2023

LF Energy Summit 2023 Recap: Enhancing Energy Efficiency in High Throughput Computing

LF Energy Summit 2023 showcased groundbreaking discussions and presentations, delving into the forefront of sustainable technology solutions. One such session, titled "Improving High Throughput Computing’s Energy Efficiency - a Measurement-Based Case Study" (video follows below), captivated the audience's attention. Damu Ding, a representative from the University of Oxford, presented a… Read more.