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The secure, interoperable ecosystem to streamline the cybersecurity, deployment, scaling and operation of next-generation grid edge computing and applications.

As the grid edge grows in complexity, scale, and power under management, optimizing grid edge assets through coordination of interoperable infrastructure becomes key. What was once one-way communication for telemetry and billing purposes has evolved to be a two-way communication, edge computing, and control ecosystem, including consumer assets behind the meter, grid assets in front of the meter, and software on the edge and in the cloud. While standards and software exist for telemetry and billing, a consistent approach to handling grid edge applications does not. This lack of uniformity results in the development of one-off solutions that result in increased cybersecurity risk, duplicative effort, extended timelines, and added cost.

GEISA (Grid Edge Interoperability & Security Alliance) creates the secure, interoperable ecosystem to streamline the cybersecurity, deployment, scaling and operation of next-generation grid edge computing and applications. This computing and application ecosystem focuses on capabilities around grid operations, DER orchestration, AI, and other advanced functionality, with standard metering and billing out of scope. It specifies a testing program to develop an industry-wide, consistent and interoperable approach to securely deploying grid edge applications, significantly reducing the audit burden on IT teams and accelerating the deployment of innovative solutions.

GEISA specifically addresses the following:

  • Hardware Requirements
  • Application Management & Deployment
  • Application Isolation
  • Shared Network Access Management
  • Security Services
  • Common Services
  • Direct Access to Edge Device Sensors

Learn more about the project roadmap here.

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This webinar introduces the Grid Edge Security and Interoperability Alliance, or GEISA, an effort within LF Energy to address application interoperability at the very edge of the utility network: meters and other distribution automation devices.  Over the last decade platform manufacturers have introduced the ability to run applications on electricity meters and other edge devices.  Unfortunately, while many of these efforts have been built on Linux, they haven’t been interoperable.  APIs and execution environment have varied from one manufacturer to the next making it impossible for utilities to obtain applications that they can run across a fleet of different devices.  For utilities that want to minimize their supply chain risk by obtaining equipment from multiple suppliers, they are forced to run and maintain multiple separate management systems.  Applications available for one device may need to be ported to run on another, or they may not be available at all. 

GEISA addresses this by creating a vendor neutral specification for utility edge computing environments.  This webinar discusses why GEISA is important to utilities, the specific issues GEISA will solve and the new opportunities it creates for utilities, platform vendors, and application vendors. 

-Mo Al-Ahman, Southern California Edison
-Matt Hubbard, Portland General Electric
-Marissa Hummon, Utilidata
-Michael Stuber, Southern California Edison
-Richard Lam, Southern California Edison

To learn more about GEISA or get involved, visit

This webinar introduces the Grid Edge Security and Interoperability Alliance, or GEISA, an effort within LF Energy to address application interoperability at the very edge of the utility network: meters and other distribution automation devices. Over the last decade platform manufacturers have introduced the ability to run applications on electricity meters and other edge devices. Unfortunately, while many of these efforts have been built on Linux, they haven’t been interoperable. APIs and execution environment have varied from one manufacturer to the next making it impossible for utilities to obtain applications that they can run across a fleet of different devices. For utilities that want to minimize their supply chain risk by obtaining equipment from multiple suppliers, they are forced to run and maintain multiple separate management systems. Applications available for one device may need to be ported to run on another, or they may not be available at all.

GEISA addresses this by creating a vendor neutral specification for utility edge computing environments. This webinar discusses why GEISA is important to utilities, the specific issues GEISA will solve and the new opportunities it creates for utilities, platform vendors, and application vendors.

-Mo Al-Ahman, Southern California Edison
-Matt Hubbard, Portland General Electric
-Marissa Hummon, Utilidata
-Michael Stuber, Southern California Edison
-Richard Lam, Southern California Edison

To learn more about GEISA or get involved, visit

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YouTube Video UExLeUZmMUo5WGtwc0dXVU1QemFKckF6MFlLWXlZempFMi41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2

Webinar: LF Energy GEISA: Addressing edge interoperability at the meter

LF Energy February 28, 2025 7:23 am

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