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Media Coverage
Feb 17, 2021
LF Energy Captains Power Grid Virtualization SEAPATH
LF Energy announced a new open source project called SEAPATH, or Software Enabled Automation Platform and Artifacts (THerein), that will provide grid operators with an open source, real-time platform to run virtualized automation technologies. Although the move toward renewable energy is a step in the right direction, clean energy sources are subject… Read more.
Dec 10, 2020
Wildfires, blackouts, and restabilising California’s electric grid with LF Energy
"Wildfires have led to rolling blackouts in California, with critics blaming green energy for stretching grid capacity, something clean energy advocates adamantly deny." Source: Read more.
Dec 9, 2020
Can Open Source Technology Keep Our Planet Alive?
"In the face of a looming recession and climate catastrophe, technology titans, service providers, and consumer giants are taking collaborative action and turning their technology to fight the effects of climate change and fundamentally transform practices that harm both people and the planet through sustainable innovation." "In November, LF Energy launched a… Read more.
Nov 24, 2020
Grid Modernization: We Must Rebuild Our Innovation Engine
"Our electrical grid is a stunning example of human ingenuity and engineering. It spans hundreds of thousands of miles, is fed by thousands of production facilities, and serves hundreds of millions of customers." Source: Read more.
Nov 10, 2020
Daily Roundup: Arista Aims for Cisco
"In case you’ve been stuck in video conference meetings all day, here are today’s top stories from SDxCentral." "LF Energy launched a project to create an open source tool for managing energy demand across the electricity grid." Source: Read more.