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Media Coverage

Nov 8, 2018

Tech World: How LF Energy plans to open source energy

We're running out of time to tackle climate change. Could an open source, distributed approach build the necessary momentum? Executive director of LF Energy tells Techworld about the new initiative which already has some enterprises on board Read More: Read more.

Jul 13, 2018

eWeek: Linux Foundation Brings the Power of Open-Source to the Energy Sector

The Linux Foundation announced its latest effort on July 12, with the launch of the LF Energy open-source coalition for the energy and power management sector. The LF Energy coalition is being backed by French transmission system operation RTE, Vanderbilt University and the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E). With… Read more.

Jul 13, 2018

BLOGO: Linux Foundation lancia LF Energy: energia open source

La Linux Foundation (organizzazione non-profit che sviluppa il sistema operativo libero Linux) ha annunciato la nascita di LF Energy, una nuova coalizione open source tra sviluppatori software, enti di ricerca e gestori di rete per creare soluzioni informatiche aperte a disposizione della complessa industria dell'energia. Read More » Read more.

Jul 13, 2018

Linux Journal: The Linux Foundation Announces LF Energy Coalition

The Linux Foundation yesterday launched LF Energy, a new open-source coalition. According to the press release, LF Energy was formed "with support from RTE, Europe's biggest transmission power systems provider, and other organizations, to speed technological innovation and transform the energy mix across the world." Visit for more information. Read More » Read more.

Jul 13, 2018 The Linux Foundation Transforms the Energy Industry with New Initiative: LF Energy

We are thrilled to introduce the new LF Energy initiative to support and promote open source in the energy and electricity sectors. LF Energy is focused on accelerating the energy transition, including the move to renewable energy, electric mobility, demand response and more. Open source has transformed industries as vast and different as telecommunications,… Read more.