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Sep 7, 2023

LF Energy Summit 2023 Recap: Continental-Wide Coordination of the Power Grid Powered by PowSyBl

LF Energy Summit 2023 showcased the innovative presentation titled "Continental-Wide Coordination of the Power Grid Powered by PowSyBl," delivered by Nicolas Omont, Vice President of Operations at Artelys (video follows below). This session shed light on the critical importance of power grid security and introduced a collaborative open source project… Read more.

Sep 6, 2023

LF Energy Summit 2023 Recap: Unveiling the Power Grid Model: Transforming Grid Calculation with High-Performance Efficiency

In a session at LF Energy Summit 2023, Tony Xiang of Alliander took the virtual stage to unveil an innovative solution that is set to revolutionize grid calculations. Titled "Power Grid Model: A High-Performance Distribution Grid Calculation Library," the session shed light on a groundbreaking open-source project that promises to… Read more.

Sep 5, 2023

LF Energy Summit 2023 Recap: Embracing Open Source: How Distribution System Operators are Paving the Way for Energy Transition

In a session at LF Energy Summit 2023, Jonas van den Bogaard, digital strategy lead at Alliander, shared insights into why distribution system operators (DSOs) like Alliander are making significant investments in open source technologies (video follows below). The session shed light on the challenges posed by the energy transition… Read more.

Aug 30, 2023

LF Energy Summit 2023 Recap: Unleashing Energy Flexibility: Shapeshifter’s Universal Flex Trading Protocol

In a session at LF Energy Summit 2023, Robben Riksen and Daniel Wich took the virtual stage to shed light on the groundbreaking potential of flexibility trading using the LF Energy Shapeshifter protocol (video follows below). The duo, representing GOPACS and Enexis respectively, delved into the urgency of addressing grid… Read more.

Aug 29, 2023

LF Energy Summit 2023 Recap: Exploring SOGNO: An Open Framework for Distribution Grid Automation

LF Energy Summit 2023 witnessed an insightful presentation titled "An Open Framework for Distribution Grid Automation" by Dr. Antonello Monti, a distinguished professor at RWTH Aachen University in Germany (video follows below). In this session, Dr. Monti unveiled the innovative project SOGNO, an acronym for the ambitious open framework aimed… Read more.