The Linux Foundation Projects
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The Battery Data Alliance, an LF Energy Project, is building sustainable open source software, best practices, and delivering standards for the battery industry.
  • Researchers seeking to push the boundaries of battery science.
  • Software Developers interested in making a significant impact in the battery industry.
  • Testing Labs with access to cyclers and other battery testing equipment.
  • Organizations conducting battery research and development or manufacturing
  • Active integration with cutting-edge tools and libraries like PyBaMM, PyMacNet, PyCTI, AmpLabs and more into a cohesive open source battery data platform useful for organizations developing battery technology.
Interested in collaborating or contributing to the Battery Data Alliance? Here’s what you can do:
Join us in revolutionizing the battery industry by becoming a part of the Battery Data Alliance today! Let’s collaborate, innovate, and shape the future of battery technology together.