The new release 2022.0.0 of PowSyBl is now live! PowSyBl (Power System Blocks) is an open source library dedicated to electrical grid modeling and simulation.
The most noteworthy new features are:
- support for new network modifications such as voltage level creation from scratch,
- support for ShortCircuit data of CIM-CGMES format,
- support for new remedial actions such as generator and load actions,
- improvements of CIM-CGMES export from CGMES or non CGMES network,
- a beta version of the implementation of AC security analysis with remedial actions (switch action and phase tap changer tap position action),
- improving the performance of flow decomposition (memory usage and computation time),
- ease the dynamic model mapping for generators,
- adding voltage and angle information for each bus on network area diagrams and improving the nodes layout.

More information is available in the release notes on GitHub.