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Media Coverage
Jul 14, 2020
LF Energy Launches Digital Substation Initiative to Modernize Power Grid Infrastructure
Linux Foundation organization, LF Energy, with GE Renewable Energy, Schneider Electric and RTE, also launched CoMPAS to make substation systems interoperable as part of this initiative. article: Read more.
Jul 10, 2020
Words Matter: Finally, Tech Looks at Removing Exclusionary Language
This month the tech industry’s lexicon is seeing a small but significant shift: Common technical phrases, most notably “Master/Slave” and “Whitelist/Blacklist” that have been red-flagged as offensive, or even racist, sometimes for decades, are getting updates. article: Read more.
Jul 7, 2020
DevOps Deeper Dive: IT Terminology Matters
Much like any other profession, the IT industry does not exist in a vacuum. Social upheaval will have as much impact on IT professionals as it does on any other. As conversations concerning race relations become more heated and, hopefully, elevated, many in the IT industry are reconsidering the use… Read more.
Jul 2, 2020
Why 2020 Might Have Been the Wake-Up Call We Needed
It may seem like things are falling apart this year, but it's actually a new beginning. article: Read more.
Jun 30, 2020
Open source, collaboration could be stronger paths to protecting U.S. bulk power system
A bigger, long-term question may be how to implant greater transparency in an ever more automated and digital grid. And yet another challenge is how to acknowledge the true vulnerabilities of the American power system and get it what it needs to improve quickly. article: Read more.