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Aug 12, 2019

LF Energy Sponsors Horizon19 Conference

On September 18-20, the Horizon19 conference on clean economy targets and climate goals will take place at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. With a community of several thousand stakeholders, Horizon19 represents an unprecedented opportunity for creating strategic partnerships that will merge customers, finance, technology, and markets into solutions for… Read more.

Aug 7, 2019

Webinar: TenneT and RTE Discuss Open Source Benefits and Costs with Shuli Goodman

This is a final reminder that Loek Bakker, Corporate Information Management Office Head at TenneT, and Lucian Balea, R&D Program Director for Réseau de Transport d'Electricité (RTE) will join LF Energy's Executive Director Shuli Goodman tomorrow for a live discussion about open source and its benefits and costs on the… Read more.

Jul 22, 2019

Recurve article on open source & energy regulation

Carmen Best, Director of Policy & Emerging Markets at LF Energy general member Recurve, was also the head of EM&V at the California Public Utilities Commission, so she has a unique view on performance-based regulatory oversight with respect to energy efficiency, giving regulators tools to make intelligent decisions about energy. Read more.

Jul 16, 2019

Linux Foundation Energy member TenneT “open sources” their open source strategy

TenneT is the first European cross-border electricity transmission system operator (TSO), with activities in the Netherlands and in Germany, providing uninterrupted electricity to over 41 million people. The security of our supply is among the best in Europe, with 99.99% grid availability. With the energy transition, TenneT is contributing to… Read more.

Jan 29, 2019

The Future of Energy is Shared Technology Innovation

The electricity system is the biggest and one of the most complex machines ever built. In recent decades, this machine has begun to undergo a radical transition, with both the way we generate and use electricity evolving. In the midst of this, however, the power grid has not been able… Read more.