Thanks to everyone who joined us for the LF Energy Global Summit 2019 in Paris, France. The event was a huge success in bringing together luminaries from the open source and energy communities.
Of course this would not have been possible without generous contributions from our sponsors: CNCF, RTE, Vanderbilt University, the National Renewable Energy Labs, and the FREEDM Center at North Caroline State University.
In addition, every single speaker contributed their time, energy, and wisdom to make this event a success, and we thank you from our hearts. As Shuli says: Part of the value of being associated with the Linux Foundation and the open source community is that on principle, we are a group who fundamentally believes in the power of together. Indeed, if we as an industry can continue to ask for help and insights from such brilliant and legendary practitioners, we will be able to achieve decarbonization, because we will be able to go faster with their help. Much thanks to all.
Presentations from the event can be found on the presentations page. We are working on the recorded videos, which should be available soon.