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Recently, both Centre for Net Zero (CNZ) and TU Delft shared a combination of synthetic and real data with the LF Energy OpenSynth community. These datasets are helping build up a diverse database with input from around the world, and make it far easier to perform accurate energy modeling activities while ensuring security and privacy of real-world data.

The CNZ dataset contains 10 million synthetic load profiles trained on over 1.8 billion smart meter readings. Octopus Energy household data was resampled to create a UK representative sample, and covers consumption patterns between 1st January 2023 and 31st January 2024. This contribution also includes data demonstrating the impact of tariff type on household energy consumption.

The data from TU Delft consists of historically and publicly available datasets from Germany, United Kingdom, Australia and Netherlands, which have been consolidated and cleaned by TU Delft. These open source datasets represent different energy consumption patterns and energy system designs across the globe.

OpenSynth is an open data community, originated by Centre for Net Zero and open sourced under LF Energy. It empowers both holders of raw smart meter data around the world to be able to generate and share synthetic data, and for community members to generate, improve and share algorithms.